Let Us Be True – A poem by Syed Rabe’a Bukhari

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Damp curtains are undone
Fatigued hours curtailed
Those failed
To quench the flames
Veering to devour one, exonerate anotherPearly moonbeams caress fellow white palms
Enmeshed in embossing a crimson fate
Monstrous bait !
It is the pyretic snow afresh, falling over
And under, and over again
Lamenting the rain
That long divorced those yellow dappled skies
Bracing twin hazy planets
Sinking back
Into buffeting bitter waters outspread.It’s a tussle of hearts much
Against a poor still small voice
Brooding, fettering, consuming
Feasting upon
Blood fed harvest of febrile hopes
Ropes the day that smiled and wept For some stale promises kept, unkept
For vacillating steps traced, un-traced. Let us be true
Over dying cadences
Of leased breaths
And their insignificant, mute deaths.

Let us be true
For there sprouts a darker night
Across the artifice of flowery sight,
Over the flicker of dousing stars
Beyond the ravaging humdrum of wars.Let us be true
For faces wear a crabbed forehead
Contentions galore over skins shed,
Embraces blossom into a strangulated cry
And I behold the world with a blurred eye. Henceforth
Light the lamps of restless blood
Let the arctic moths drop dead,
For salty corners are turning russet
And with broken stars, am I lamented overhead.

R bukhariAbout the author
Syed Rabe’a Bukhari, published her first work when she was in 7th Grade in 2003.
For her, writing is something which keeps coming back and acts as a potent device to portray the simmering anguish and choking emotions of those around her. She writes so to carve a memorial, however small on the fleeting pages of time. Now she writes to cure her maladious soul