Nothing Beyond Her – A poem by Nazuk Kaul
The rivulets meandering down the slopes
Twisting and turning, gleaming and glowing
Sometimes caressing, restlessly eloping
Rushing down with a frenzy and not slowingIs this crystal clear water from afar, unknown highlands
That has traversed all these miles to touch our core
Will it kiss our banks and quench our lands
And bid adieu to cross over to the unseen territories moreThese rivers, these lakes, the water so bright
Yet divided by the borders of hate and might.
What about these borders that fragment humanity
Can they stand up to the all pervading nature’s ferocityNature the nurturer, the provider, the destroyer
Never does distinguish between the poor and the rich
A Continent, a nation too eager to be the savior
Finds itself helpless in face of the wrath of the destroyer.So rise above the narrow alleys of violence and bloodshed
Be the everflowing water embracing everything that comes its way
Let the endurance of Mother Earth guide us all to brotherhood
Submit to that potent force, the savior who will protect her herd.For nothing, nothing and nothing is beyond her.